
If you enjoy my work and really want to support me, you may like to consider becoming a Patron.
I am currently embarking on a step-by-step look at how I made a recent Mechtorian piece for a gallery show.
For a very small monthly donation you will get access to this and other exclusive articles explaining my creative processes and insights into my methods.
Also you can become part of my “First-Dibs Club”, with chances to purchase my new releases and original works before anyone else.
Become and “Art Collector” and receive an original ink drawing posted to your door every month.
Or take part in the monthly “Lottery” to win rare and unusual items such as prototype toys, original sculptures and long sold out items.
There are lots of free posts too so you can follow along with my regular news without pledging if you want to.
Come and join my inner core of collectors and find out how the Mechtorians come to life.
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My big news this month is the official launch, today, of my Patreon page.
Patreon is a great crowd funding system which allows fans of artists to support them as they work, and in return get exclusive content and sometimes goodies direct from the artist.
I will be posting lots of behind the scenes, work-in-progress information and pictures exclusively on my Patreon page. Giving unusual detail on my working practice and methods which have taken me decades to learn and hone. A great place to pick up tips if you create yourself, and an interesting thing to see if you are a collector of my work.
I will also be giving Patrons first crack at new releases before they go to my online store, as well as the regular news and information.
There is a great Patreon App for Apple and Android which lets you follow your artists in an Instagram style. It’s fun and easy and I am excited to be sharing my work in this new way with you.
I hope you would like to support me in this new fashion.
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Some pieces in the making bound for my New York solo show in october at My Plastic Heart.

Tiny clockwork brain…..

And a fairly typical day on my workbench..
About to cannibalise a bunch of antique (and probably frighteningly rare) draughtsman’s tools to make robot appendages..
2 comments | tags: Custom Toys, Work In Progress | posted in Custom Toys, Studio
Today was a very good day!
It was my sixth wedding anniversary. The best six years of my life.. Actually its been a great eight years, but we have only been married for six.
Bryony is a constant support in everything I do. A critical eye, and a level head. And in all honesty the source of some of “my” better ideas…
I could not do without her…. At all!
And she buys me awesome stuff..
Today I got this :

It’s a rather splendid pen I have been coveting for some years.
I think it looks like Nikoli Tesla’s sonic screwdriver.
It is in fact the “Cooler” designed by Eric Magnussen and released by Acme in 2004. Quite sort after now I believe. Its hand turned steel (or possibly Aluminium).. Very nice to write with, though it will now be my sketching pen, so look out for it at signings..
Also today I had this arrive :

It’s a new lamp for my work desk. It’s a 1950’s Jilde lamp from France. Originally designed as machine work lamps for lathes and suchlike they have become quite the design classic. Modern versions are mini copies of the originals (made since the 1940’s) with colourful powder coatings.. I went searching for an original because I am awkward like that and wanted something with a bit of patina to it. It’s huge and very articulated. And this one seems to be bolted to a disk brake. Originally it would have been wall mounted and I intend to rig it up above my work desk on the support beam which runs across the room.. Needs a bit of rewiring first as its French rigged right now with a two pin plug..
So not strictly a “Victorian” man as some people may have thought. But I do love a good bit of industrial design.
2 comments | tags: Furniture, Studio | posted in Rants, Reviews, Studio, Uncategorized
I have finally got around to fitting some lights in my main toy cabinet. It make a huge difference. I can actually see whats in there now, which is nice.
(click pics to enbiggen!)

1 comment | tags: Collecting, Studio, Toys | posted in Collections, Studio
A short while ago I visited the studio of a friend or mine. Even though her workshop is only a few minutes walk from where, I live in an old mill complex, I have been a slacker and not been around for a looksee. Shame on me. I was missing out on some splendid stuff indeed.

Emma Wilkinson works mainly in ceramics and fabrics and combinations of the two. She creates masked doll characters and more recently some splendidly whimsical insect doll hybrids.

She uses vintage fabrics which she then heavily embroiders.
She also has quite an inspirational doll collection and enviable arrangement of vintage display cases waiting to be filled..

Unfortunatly she hasn’t got a website as of yet. But if you want to contact her about her work drop me a line and I will pass on her email address.

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A quick snap I took in my studio last night of my Amanda Spayd piece.
She was looking delightfully creepy so I took a moment to capture it so I could share.

1 comment | tags: Amanda Spayd, Art collection | posted in Artwork, Studio
Look who just arrived in the studio………….

1 comment | tags: Circus Posterus, Custom Toys, Work In Progress | posted in Custom Toys, Studio
Well the piece I posted last night was so popular I decided to finish it right away.
So I took some more snaps this morning and here you go.
Please click on the images to enbiggen.
First off filling in some blanks.
Above the door to the studio is an Elder Sign to either keep Lovecraftian beasties out when I am in there or stop them getting into the house through the studio windows. Other precautions have been taken against Zombie infestation (no really!)

And this is a close up of the print case so you can sort of see whats in it.

Another picture of the book case and you can see the cast iron stool better in this one and also the main display case in the studio.

And a closer pic of the display cabinet which is a bit over stuffed right now to keep easily broken things away from tiny Max fingers.

The cabinet end of my main work desk with some shelves to hold my radio and sketch books and some bits and bobs and materials.

And my main work desk. This is were all my sculptures and construction work is done. (This pic is a splice of a couple of shots hence the odd missing bit on the top left hand side).
I have a couple of engineers cabinets to store all my tools and the smaller parts I use, different sized gears, hemispheres, keys, hats, you name it. All the bulkier parts and found objects live in big boxes in the store area behind the bookshelves. I drag them out and fossik around in them when I need them. The drawers contain paints, more tools and more odds and ends. Its sort of a working chaos. I guess only I know where everything is kept.
The desk itself was found in a house clearance store for £20. It was black and needed a proper clean up. It had been ripped out of an old Mill when it was demolished and was last used by a taylor in the 1980’s. I built the legs for it to bring it back to glory. (See one of the previous blogs about the studio renovation for some details on this).

The mask is from the Terry Gilliam film Brazil. And the paintings are a collaboration by Kathie Olivas and Brandt Peters and one by Andrew Bell. I still have a few other paintings to go up in here but I need to add another shelf above the main desk and some more wall cabinets form mini figures too first.
And one last snap of the desk looking back at the bookshelves.

So there you go. A pretty good overview of my little workspace.
If you want to know any more details or ask what specific things are please leave a comment.
3 comments | tags: Studio | posted in Reviews, Studio
I just tidied my studio so decided to take some photos.
This is just one side of it though. The other is loaded up with secret works in progress right now so that will have to wait till another day.
My studio is on the top (Third) floor of my little Victorian end terrace house.
At the foot of the stairs there is the main light switch.

Just above that are my collection of framed Letter Presses cards.
Starting top left and going L to R :
Joe Ledbetter, Brian “Candykiller Taylor, Nathan Jervinicus, Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters, Brendan Monroe.

On the wall opposite those is a print case with lots of interesting tiny things in it above a Dave Carson original ink drawing.

Directly at the top of the stairs is a display case with my Cthulhu Idol collection in it (But the photos didnt work so well there so I will have to try that again some time..)
Next to that is the door into my mini store room under the eaves and guarding the door is my Scott Radke sculpture which I have dubbed “The Time Thief”. In front of the store area is my main art book shelf. You can just see my stool in front of the window. Its cast iron and has an old tractor seat welded to the top.

Behind the stairwell is my small writing desk housing my Laptop. I do all my digital work sat here. Yes that is a working phone on top of the desk. In the case on the wall is part of my Qee/Dunny collection, I need to build another five cabinets like this for all my other mini figures. To the left of the case is an Original Andrew Bell drawing (Cropped in this pic oops! To the right is another Brian Taylor Letterpressed print. I also have a Chris Ryniak one which need framing. Then in front of the desk there are original paintings by Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters, Two by Chet Zar, Jason Limon and a sculpture by Amanda Spayd. There is also a Crayola print on that wall but it’s cropped in this pic. Above the paintings is a shelf of stuff. Lots of things I like up there. Quite a mix of things from Totoro to Kaws via Tin robots.

Here is a wider shot showing the Andrew Bell and Crayola pieces as well as a Greg Broadmore Ray Gun print. Hiding behind the chair is a print by Dave Carson.

That’s all for now. More some other time.
6 comments | tags: Studio | posted in Rants, Reviews, Studio