Jan 6 2006

Major Website update.

My website http://www.spookypop.com has just had a major update.
The toy section has got a lot of the custom art toys I did last year added to it now.
There are three entirely new 3D pieces added, including items from the ZARJAZ and MONSTER MASH shows.
The 3D archive has been doubled in size with a lot of the old toy prototype work I have done over the years as well as make-up work, production design bits and bobs and some architectural models.

Be aware that a lot of the new images are rollovers!!

No new artwork has been added at this time I have just been concentrating on the 3D content.

Jan 5 2006

New Poddy painting

A new Poddy paintling has been added to the site.
Its called “Something Wicked this way comes” and is a new style.
it was done for the Montsr Mash exhibition opening in Bristol this weekend..

Poddy Painting by doktor A.