Nov 28 2013

Dragon Con Interview

I just saw that the interview I did at Dragon Con this year with those lovely people over at SteamPunk Chronicles is up online..
I particularly enjoy the Rupture photo-bomb….

[youtuber youtube=’’]


Sep 7 2011

A Good Day

Today was a very good day!
It was my sixth wedding anniversary. The best six years of my life.. Actually its been a great eight years, but we have only been married for six.
Bryony is a constant support in everything I do. A critical eye, and a level head. And in all honesty the source of some of “my” better ideas…
I could not do without her…. At all!

And she buys me awesome stuff..
Today I got this :

It’s a rather splendid pen I have been coveting for some years.
I think it looks like Nikoli Tesla’s sonic screwdriver.
It is in fact the “Cooler” designed by Eric Magnussen and released by Acme in 2004. Quite sort after now I believe. Its hand turned steel (or possibly Aluminium).. Very nice to write with, though it will now be my sketching pen, so look out for it at signings..

Also today I had this arrive :

It’s a new lamp for my work desk. It’s a 1950’s Jilde lamp from France. Originally designed as machine work lamps for lathes and suchlike they have become quite the design classic. Modern versions are mini copies of the originals (made since the 1940’s) with colourful powder coatings.. I went searching for an original because I am awkward like that and wanted something with a bit of patina to it. It’s huge and very articulated. And this one seems to be bolted to a disk brake. Originally it would have been wall mounted and I intend to rig it up above my work desk on the support beam which runs across the room.. Needs a bit of rewiring first as its French rigged right now with a two pin plug..

So not strictly a “Victorian” man as some people may have thought. But I do love a good bit of industrial design.

Dec 3 2010

Toy Break

Episode 146 of the internet TV toy show “Toy Break” is up and Doktor A is the guest!


Jun 15 2010

Semi Studio tour

I just tidied my studio so decided to take some photos.
This is just one side of it though. The other is loaded up with secret works in progress right now so that will have to wait till another day.

My studio is on the top (Third) floor of my little Victorian end terrace house.
At the foot of the stairs there is the main light switch.

Just above that are my collection of framed Letter Presses cards.
Starting top left and going L to R :
Joe Ledbetter, Brian “Candykiller Taylor, Nathan Jervinicus, Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters, Brendan Monroe.

On the wall opposite those is a print case with lots of interesting tiny things in it above a Dave Carson original ink drawing.

Directly at the top of the stairs is a display case with my Cthulhu Idol collection in it (But the photos didnt work so well there so I will have to try that again some time..)
Next to that is the door into my mini store room under the eaves and guarding the door is my Scott Radke sculpture which I have dubbed “The Time Thief”. In front of the store area is my main art book shelf. You can just see my stool in front of the window. Its cast iron and has an old tractor seat welded to the top.

Behind the stairwell is my small writing desk housing my Laptop. I do all my digital work sat here. Yes that is a working phone on top of the desk. In the case on the wall is part of my Qee/Dunny collection, I need to build another five cabinets like this for all my other mini figures. To the left of the case is an Original Andrew Bell drawing (Cropped in this pic oops! To the right is another Brian Taylor Letterpressed print. I also have a Chris Ryniak one which need framing. Then in front of the desk there are original paintings by Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters, Two by Chet Zar, Jason Limon and a sculpture by Amanda Spayd. There is also a Crayola print on that wall but it’s cropped in this pic. Above the paintings is a shelf of stuff. Lots of things I like up there. Quite a mix of things from Totoro to Kaws via Tin robots.

Here is a wider shot showing the Andrew Bell and Crayola pieces as well as a Greg Broadmore Ray Gun print. Hiding behind the chair is a print by Dave Carson.

That’s all for now. More some other time.

Dec 31 2009


So what is on the cards for the coming year then?

More toys.
I am currently working with seven toy companies to bring you some lovely treats.

More self generated projects.
Stuff I want to do totally myself and keep total control of..

Digital escapades.
Ventures of a digital virtual nature.

More commissions.
Going to be chewing into my commissions lists at last.. so sorry to everyone still waiting for their piece.

More frequent and focused blogging (god I hate that word so much..)

You know. Stuff I can’t tell you about yet..

Less shows.
Something had to give to make way for all these other projects.