Jun 21 2012

Work In Progress

Its full steam ahead for me right now with works for my New York solo show at My Plastic Heart in October..

And here is a rare “Work in Progress” photo from me.. I generally dont let people peek behind my curtain…

work in progress

Jun 9 2012

Work In Progress

Some pieces in the making bound for my New York solo show in october at My Plastic Heart.

Tiny clockwork brain…..

And a fairly typical day on my workbench..
About to cannibalise a bunch of antique (and probably frighteningly rare) draughtsman’s tools to make robot appendages..

Jun 6 2012

Ed Geers badge now on sale

The 9th badge in the Mechtorian Badge of the Month series is now on sale from my online store.

Jun 6 2012

Gilded Lilies Drummer

For the “Emporium” show (with Skeleton heart and Seymour).


Available to view and purchase from the Strychnin Gallery
Boxhagenerstrasse 36, Berlin, Germany
From June the 8th.

7.5″ tall
Vinyl, Epoxy, Acrylic, Styrene, Rubber, Lead, Rubber-wood, Ceader-wood,
Brass, Paper,  Glass, Found Objects, with a vintage Brass clock key.