May 27 2008

May Newsletter

Hello all and welcome to the May newsletter.
Just a short one this month.
But a jolly exciting one for all that.Welcome to Retropolis
A solo show of artworks by Doktor A.
This time around the custom toys take a back seat as the Doktor’s painted works are bought to the fore. The show will act as a primer to the world of the Mechtorians. Introducing their stories and showing a little of their home. Paintings, drawings, original sculptures and a few custom toys will be exhibited in the Rivet Gallery in Columbus Ohio. All pieces will be available to purchase so drop Laura an email if you want to get on the previews list for the show :
( )
There will also be a limited edition signed print available. And hopefully there will be some of the Mechtorian toy prototypes from MINDstyle
( ) on show too.
If you can get along to the gallery there will be an opening reception from 7pm – 10pm on the 7th of June.
Doktor A will not be at the gallery for the opening but will be fielding questions via the live webcam and chatroom link hosted by A direct link address will be posted on the Rivet news page and on the day before the opening.

June 7th to 30th
Rivet Gallery
1200 N. High St.
OH 43201
Mechtorians are best known as an upcoming toy range with the sterling MINDstyle company.
But Doktor A has been doodling them for many years and they have slowly crept out into the world in the form of drawings, paintings and customised toys. This retrobotic world is set to grow and this new website is where you can keep track of all the news and goings on in the land of Retropolis.
Set to go live during the “Welcome to Retropolis” show, watch out for it mid June.

That’s all for now.

Thanks for your continued support.RetropolisWebFlier

May 10 2008

Welcome to Retropolis


Incoming Solo show…………
A primer to the world of the Mechtorians.
Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures and custom toys.

Drop me a line if you want to get on the previews list.
anyone on the list for a previous show will be on this list already.
