Aug 26 2005

Off Line…

Right I am off to get Married…

Aug 14 2005


Hello again

The official site for my little toy project PODLING is live as of five minutes ago.

check it out here

If there are any glaring bugs let me know. I will be tweeking it over the next few days and updating the designs as they come in.
To date nearly 100 templates have been requested from me, so I expect a flood of designs soon.
If you want to join in please feel free.


Aug 8 2005

Cool link of the day

MArgot Knight. Photography…….with a twist…

If you like Chris Cunningham check it out….
Particularly the “tacking care” and “fabrica” collections.

Aug 6 2005

Jeff Soto Art book.. At last

You should all go and buy this book NOW
I mean in the next 2 days at least.
Cos not only will you receive a kick ass art book filled with the most splendid tentacled robots but if you order in the next 2 days you get a signed copy… with stickers… and a mini zine booklet too..

Check out the man’s site at at least.

Aug 3 2005


A new take on Mecha…


Aug 2 2005

These are cute… And useful

Check em out.
Cute little characters which are also Flash memory sticks…. Brilliant idea..
Nice site too.. But a bit slow.