Jun 7 2023

Patreon Free Trial

You can now try Patreon for 7 days before it costs you a dime!
That’s right there is now a 7 day FREE TRIAL of my Patreon feed so you can have a good look around and see if it’s the sort of place you want to be a part of.

You get access to all existing posts and get to view anything new posted during that week. So you can really have a good poke about in my archive of technique tutorials and walk-throughs and get a proper feel for what I cover there.

And you can cancel at any time before the end of the trial period without it costing you a anything.

So why not give it a go and see if you would like to support me on my art creating journey on a monthly basis. All subscriptions help me upgrade tools, ease overheads and take more chances with my art, which always leads to better work.

N.B if you choose a level with physical rewards you will not be eligible for them until you start subscribing proper.


Jul 2 2018

Patreon Revised


I want to help you get better at making things you love….
I want to share with you the knowledge I have gained over the last three decades. To help you create your own projects and products.

You don’t have to be making robots to benefit from my in-depth step-by-step guides and tutorials. You will find all sorts of helpful info on different aspects of model-making, finishing and painting in my feed. As well as guides to tools and materials.

Plus I am always on hand to answer any questions you may have for me.

I have revised my Patreon page with many levels to choose from beginning at just $1 a month for basic access. Through options to receive splendid monthly rewards direct to your door. Right up to the level where you actually get to visit my studio. There is something suitable to everyone.

Patrons also get offered priority in purchasing new releases and original works.

All this as well as my regular free updates on my characters is waiting for you.

So please think about becoming a Patron today!
Support me. And let me help support you.


May 10 2017


Doktor A Patreon

If you enjoy my work and really want to support me, you may like to consider becoming a Patron.

I am currently embarking on a step-by-step look at how I made a recent Mechtorian piece for a gallery show.
For a very small monthly donation you will get access to this and other exclusive articles explaining my creative processes and insights into my methods.

Also you can become part of my “First-Dibs Club”, with chances to purchase my new releases and original works before anyone else.

Become and “Art Collector” and receive an original ink drawing posted to your door every month.

Or take part in the monthly “Lottery” to win rare and unusual items such as prototype toys, original sculptures and long sold out items.

There are lots of free posts too so you can follow along with my regular news without pledging if you want to.

Come and join my inner core of collectors and find out how the Mechtorians come to life.


Aug 25 2016

New Patreon Pledge Levels Added


I have added two new pledge levels to my Patreon. One higher and one lower.

Monthly Lottery
($5 a month)
Everyone at this level and above is
entered into a draw to win a “thing” from me. This thing will always have a value greater than the $5 pledge. It may be a toy, a figure, an original drawing, a print, a prototype, an original sculpt. It will change from month to month and will be shipped direct to the lucky winner’s door.

Art Collector
($50 a month)
An original drawing posted to your door every month.
A totally unique 6″ X 4″ (ish) original Mechtorian work of art. Made for you alone. This may be an Ink or pencil drawing. It may be a whole new character or an image of an existing character or small group of characters. I will decide as I get to them. But each one will be different, charming and original.
( N.B. Only 10 places available.)

You can click over to my Patreon Page and help support me at your choice of SIX levels of patronage.

If you are already a Patron at the $10 level you will automatically be added to the new monthly Lottery.
You can easily upgrade or downgrade your existing Pledge level should you wish.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me this far. You have been a great boon to my work. I hope you enjoy my posts.