Studio Tour part two
Well the piece I posted last night was so popular I decided to finish it right away.
So I took some more snaps this morning and here you go.
Please click on the images to enbiggen.
First off filling in some blanks.
Above the door to the studio is an Elder Sign to either keep Lovecraftian beasties out when I am in there or stop them getting into the house through the studio windows. Other precautions have been taken against Zombie infestation (no really!)
And this is a close up of the print case so you can sort of see whats in it.
Another picture of the book case and you can see the cast iron stool better in this one and also the main display case in the studio.
And a closer pic of the display cabinet which is a bit over stuffed right now to keep easily broken things away from tiny Max fingers.
The cabinet end of my main work desk with some shelves to hold my radio and sketch books and some bits and bobs and materials.
And my main work desk. This is were all my sculptures and construction work is done. (This pic is a splice of a couple of shots hence the odd missing bit on the top left hand side).
I have a couple of engineers cabinets to store all my tools and the smaller parts I use, different sized gears, hemispheres, keys, hats, you name it. All the bulkier parts and found objects live in big boxes in the store area behind the bookshelves. I drag them out and fossik around in them when I need them. The drawers contain paints, more tools and more odds and ends. Its sort of a working chaos. I guess only I know where everything is kept.
The desk itself was found in a house clearance store for £20. It was black and needed a proper clean up. It had been ripped out of an old Mill when it was demolished and was last used by a taylor in the 1980’s. I built the legs for it to bring it back to glory. (See one of the previous blogs about the studio renovation for some details on this).
The mask is from the Terry Gilliam film Brazil. And the paintings are a collaboration by Kathie Olivas and Brandt Peters and one by Andrew Bell. I still have a few other paintings to go up in here but I need to add another shelf above the main desk and some more wall cabinets form mini figures too first.
And one last snap of the desk looking back at the bookshelves.
So there you go. A pretty good overview of my little workspace.
If you want to know any more details or ask what specific things are please leave a comment.