Jan 20 2020

Morbius APs

The last two Artists Proofs of the Morbius edition Thomas Nosuke Sofubi toys are available in my online store NOW.

The Teal and Red “Morbius” Editions are the first fully painted versions of the Sofubi figure produced in Japan by Tomenosuke.

Each of these 8″ tall soft vinyl figures comes in a retro styled box package, with an additional printed outer shipper box.

Each is signed and numbered as an AP of 5.

The APs also come with a mini resin Forbidden Planet Ray Gun that the regular editions do not.

Dec 2 2018

Mini Mechtorian AP Sets

November saw Kidrobot launch series 2 of Mechtorians collectible mini figures.

This is a huge thing for me.
Since the original series was launched back in 2006 I have been working to get a sequel series released.
Over the years I have gone down several development paths with several companies. All of which ended for one reason of another with nothing released.

But last year the mighty Kidrobot stepped up and offered to usher more mini Mechtorians into the world.
And what a stunning job they have done!
I could not be happier with the results!
The figures are wonderful..

On December the 3rd at 6pm UK time my AP full sets will go on sale via my online store.

Each set of 14 characters comes individually signed and numbered.
They are housed in a point-of-sale display box such as you would find in a store.

In addition, each set comes with a mini print featuring line work for the figures in the series. This print is exclusive to this AP set.

There will be 20 sets available.
Each set is £250 (shipped).

The blindboxed 3″ tall vinyl characters are also available now from Kidrobot direct as well as all their stockists worldwide.
Look for them wherever Kidrobot toys are sold.

Jun 5 2017

Mechanics of Life APs

Luke Chueh Target Bear figure by Munkyking. Mechanics of Life edition by Doktor A, Bruce Whistlecraft.

The APs (“Artist’s Proofs” or “Artist’s Percentage”) of the “Mechanics of Life” collaboration with Luke Chueh are now available from my online store.

Produced by MunkyKing these special editions of Luke’s “Target” figures ran to only 50 pieces, and are now sold out.

I have 3 of each version, available now for £250 each.
These vinyl and resin Art Collectibles will never be available again once these few have sold.

Dont delay! Pick up what is to become a classic piece whilst you still can.

We ship Worldwide!


Luke Chueh Target Bear figure by Munkyking. Mechanics of Life edition by Doktor A, Bruce Whistlecraft.

Luke Chueh Target Bear figure by Munkyking. Mechanics of Life edition by Doktor A, Bruce Whistlecraft.