
In only a couple of weeks Toycon UK will be upon us again.
The UK’s premier designer toy convention takes place on the 25th April in sunny old London.
Tickets are still available from the convention website and there should be some on the door through the day. But if you want to get in when it opens I suggest you get one in advance. The que last year was round the block.
Below is the booth layout so you can find your way directly to me up the front by the stage and purchase your Toycon releases and other Mechtorian goodies right away.. I am afraid I dont have tech for credit/debit cards so bring cash please..

ToyConUK 2014 – 25th April 9am-5pm
York Hall, Bethnal Green
345 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9PJ, London, UK

Nearest Tube Station: Bethnal Green (Central Line)
Nearby buses 8, 106 and D6
Parking is only on side street parking with Pay and Display.
Don’t forget to check for travel news on the day at: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/
There is also a great guide to Toycon over at Toy Chronicle..
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Colonel Rombus
Now retired, the colonel was constructed to lead the army of Retropolis. To this day there has been no need for military action, though this doesn’t stop a perpetually sozzled Rombus telling tall stories of how he showed the natives a thing or two during his time in the Congo…
Originally designed for Mini Mechtorians toy series 2, Rombus got as far as a 3″ tall prototype before the project was cancelled.
Photos of that prototype resurface on the internet now and then and he has become a popular and much requested character.
April 12th 2014 sees the debut of a new incarnation of the Colonel.
A revised, all new 6″ tall “Coldcast Bronze” edition of 50 pieces will debut at ToyconUK .
Sculpted by Doktor A and hand cast and antiqued in England by Baroque Designs (who previously did such a splendid job with the Phizogs).This hefty solid piece features an inset glass eye lens and real metal Brass winding key. Each piece is signed and numbered by Doktor A.
15 piece will be available at Toycon for the price of £65 with the rest to follow soon online.
(Click on photos to enlarge.)

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Something new in the works.
Something destined to debut ToyconUK if all goes smoothly.

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