Hell yeah…
Available January..
Operation Fragmentation (the show) and my “Incendiary Automaton” (see previous post) are getting rather good press coverage with a few magazine articles so far.. and lots of web based stuff..
here are a few :
A show of custom Granade headed toy figures matched with ex-army ammunition cases, currently running in the Bar of Modern Art in Columbus Ohio.
Runs until the 21st of January..
This is my piece. “Professor Whistlecraft’s Astounding Incendiary Automaton”.
Show info and stuff here : http://operationfragmentation.com/
And lots of pics of my piece here : http://forums.kidrobot.com/viewtopic.php?t=49216
My current fave artist… http://www.imscared.com/ check him out..
Also I am now moved into my new home in the Pennine mountains. Its beautiful around here. Though the basement flooded the day we moved in and has only just emptied itself.. I think some ancient evil which lurks beneath the hill next door was saying hello…
I have started putting some paintings on the walls which helps make it feel more like home.
I have also gutted the attic in the first phase of its re-birth as my super new, “steam-punk” styled studio..
I think I will try and add to this blog more often now. And post more varied entries..
Some more pics soon.
In other news i have added some new toys to the website shop..
Including a couple of Goteki figures. These are original prototypes. The first ones made. They are painted in a Sneaky Bat Machine stylee as the band was at that time still SBM…
Everyone should go and see “Pan’s Labyrinth”… Its truly splendid..