Sonny Dial Jnr.

Sonny Dial Jnr. A Sun Dial based Mechtorian Customised 3" Dunny by Doktor A. Bruce Whistlecraft.

He is studying to be a top flight chronologist.

Customised Tofu Dunny toy from Kidrobot.
Vinyl Toy, Epoxy, ABS, Acrylic, Rubber, Cast metal winding Key.
3” tall.

More images after the break.

Sonny Dial Jnr. A Sun Dial based Mechtorian Customised 3" Dunny by Doktor A. Bruce Whistlecraft.
Sonny Dial Jnr. A Sun Dial based Mechtorian Customised 3" Dunny by Doktor A. Bruce Whistlecraft.
Sonny Dial Jnr. A Sun Dial based Mechtorian Customised 3" Dunny by Doktor A. Bruce Whistlecraft.
Sonny Dial Jnr. A Sun Dial based Mechtorian Customised 3" Dunny by Doktor A. Bruce Whistlecraft.

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