
Doktor A Patreon

If you enjoy my work and really want to support me, you may like to consider becoming a Patron.

I am currently embarking on a step-by-step look at how I made a recent Mechtorian piece for a gallery show.
For a very small monthly donation you will get access to this and other exclusive articles explaining my creative processes and insights into my methods.

Also you can become part of my “First-Dibs Club”, with chances to purchase my new releases and original works before anyone else.

Become and “Art Collector” and receive an original ink drawing posted to your door every month.

Or take part in the monthly “Lottery” to win rare and unusual items such as prototype toys, original sculptures and long sold out items.

There are lots of free posts too so you can follow along with my regular news without pledging if you want to.

Come and join my inner core of collectors and find out how the Mechtorians come to life.