It looks like an art book I was asked to be a part of has been published.
“Steampunk: The Art of Victorian Futurism” curated by Jay Strongman and published by Korero books.
It’s a splendid hardbacked tome of loosely categorised steampunk style artist’s works. Lots of lovely photos and some mini biographies as well as a short round up of what Steampunk is all about..
It’s more of an artbook than anything else, there is no cosplay type prop works included here other than the splendid works of Mr. Tom Banwell. Even Mr. Brian Despain gets a few pages which gives you an idea how loose the Steampunk label is.
I have been invited to be part of four or five books like this, but this is the only one to make it to print thus far. And I am jolly pleased to be included in this handsome edition.
ISBN : 978-1-907621031
It can be purchased on Amazon HERE.