Imaginary Menagerie info……….
And now a word from one of my sponsers :
Hello Everybody!
I am Lana and I am one of the co-owners of OhNo!Doom Gallery. I wanted to make sure everyone was well informed about our upcoming exhibit preview for Imaginary Menagerie. We will be doing things a little bit different this time around and want to have a smooth and fair preview process for everyone. If you have not yet signed up for the preview but would like to receive it, please do so before this Thursday to insure you are processed in time to receive the goods:
I will be sending these guidelines (below) to the entire preview list Thursday afternoon, if you do not receive it by Thursday evening please re-sign up for the list and/or contact me at
Preview Guidlines:
Due to the overwhelming amount of emails regarding the work in the Imaginary Menagerie exhibit we will be implementing a couple new guidelines for requesting and purchasing pieces from this preview.
1. There will be a purchase limit of 1 piece of artwork, per artist, per customer. Multiple pieces may still be purchased but not from one single artist, for instance: you may purchase 1 piece from Amanda, 1 piece from Dok A., 1 piece from Lana and 1 piece from Chris.
2. Please list your selections in order of preference. (First choice, second choice, third, ect…) If your first choice is no longer available we will offer the next available. If you would like to purchase from multiple artists please note your preferences for each artist and that you would like one from each you have listed.
3. If you are able to purchase your single piece (YAY!) but would like to purchase additional pieces by that artist please make note in your email to be put on the waiting list for the other pieces.
A waiting list will be created and preview list customers will be re-contacted in order of initial request after the opening event for any remaining unsold works. Customers will be contacted form the waiting list between Sunday July 10th and Tuesday July 12th. Tuesday July 12th at 6pm CST all unsold work will be placed in our online store. So, you have first dibs on the preview and then first dibs again before the show goes live on our site.
4. The Preview will be sent out (tentatively) at 10am CST Friday July 8th. There will be a viewing period of 2 hours and an exact time for receiving requests will be posted in the preview. Requests received before the time marked in the preview will not be valid. The preview will close at 6pm CST Friday July 8th
5. I answer emails in the order they are received based on the time stamp. I try to set up one order before moving to the next to so please be patient. I will respond to each email and your place in line will not be in jeopardy. Requests will need to be sent to to be recognized.
6. Payment will need to be received by the end of the day July 8th in order to be completed and guaranteed. If payment is not made by end of day July 8th the item will not be marked as sold for the opening. If for some reason a phone transaction is required and therefore delaying payment you will not lose your place in line. Stuff does happen.
7. Shipping is billed separately and at the end of each exhibit. We begin sending out shipping emails 1 week after the exhibit comes down and the following opening has occurred. If you are local you may pick up pieces at the shop the day we take down the exhibit, which is Tuesday August 2nd.
Thanks so much!