Best in the World!

For the first time in my life I have won an award.

(Photo pilferred from Ben Goretsky)….

I had the honour of receiving the “Best Customiser” award at the Designer Toy Awards hosted in San Diego a couple of nights ago.
Run by Clutter Magazine these awards are presented to artists and companies around the world who have excelled in some field within the art/designer-toy industry.

I am cuffed to bits!

And flabergasted..

And jolly happy.

It’s great to feel that all ones hard work is being noticed by ones peers.
And it’s not as if it’s a small pond I swim in any more. There are a lot of very talented artists out there who customised toys as part of their roster. From the short list it really could have been anyones, in fact from the long list it was a tough call.

I have been customising art-toys as part of my artwork since 2004. (And reworking toys into prototypes for new toys for maybe ten years before that.)
So I have been around the block for a while doing this. It’s my life.

And now I will have one of these splendid Pete Fowler designed awards to make me grin every time I look at it, for years to come. To KNOW, people love what I do..
