Dragon Con Costumes
Dragon Con runs for four days in a row. And it doesn’t stop. Most conventions shut down for the evening around 7pm. True the dealers halls and talks stop then but the musical acts start up around midnight and the collosal party goes all night. There are something like 50,000 people at Dragon Con, That’s a hell of a big party…
One of the really big things at Dragon Con are the costumes. People really make a lot of effort and everything is represented from full on fetish gear to the geekiest and most obscurely nerdiest characters imaginable.
There are a lot of costumes based on films and TV series but also video games, role playing games and books. There are also original creations and the wonderful “Mash-ups”. Costumes made up of two diferent characters mashed together. There are also a lot of “Steampunk” styled characters ranging from Star Wars to the X Men and everything inbetween.
Here are just a few I spotted and managed to grab on my wanderings around the hotels.
There were some really odd choices too. Buckminster Fuller maybe?
And some that were just down right creepy.
A lot of the time I didnt know who people were supposed to be. But the effort everyone made was amazing.
Chris Ryniak and Amanda Spayd who I spent a lot of time randomly wandering around with wanted to get in on the fun too. Chris threw together a mask using part of one of his Cuspid Skelve toys.
But he didnt manage to hang onto it for long before Mandi swiped it and started throwing poses for the crowds of photographers.
Maybe I should try and get something together if I go again next year.