June Newsletter

First off is the total overhaul and restyling of SPOOKYPOP.COM for an enhanced (extra spooky) experience.
It’s all live now and has been for a few weeks. If you haven’t checked it out for a while we suggest you get over there right now and have a dig around.
There is a dedicated gallery for art toys for the first time ever and there have been a lot of custom toys done since the last site so make sure you take a look. There are section for Digital art and real Paintings and Drawings as well as a Sculpture gallery. There is also a new store with up to date stuff..
And the whole site is going to be updated more often than before… Promise..

Series 2 of the splendid “Spiky Baby” paper toy created by Shin Tanaka have just been released.
This is a limited edition of random downloadable “Blind boxed” paper figures.
And series 2 has (amongst other designs) a “Rupture” character from Doktor A…
So click on over to http://www.ohashi-lab.bio.kyutech.ac.jp/~shin/ and get yourself some spiky paper friends… $0.00 or £0.00 for each one… But hurry they are not available for long..

A heads up for early next month..The Taipei Toy Festival runs from July 6th -9th and this year it has added Doktor A.
Crazy Label and Wookieweb are releasing their second toy and the Doktor has created a design which will be on show at the festival. Tamo is a 3.5″ tall female vinyl figure designed by illustrator Alfredo Mejia.
You can see a little teaser video here : http://www.alfredomejia.com/Motion/tamo_taipei.html
And check out the Crazy Label / Wookieweb site here : http://wookieweb.com/crazylabel/

That’s all for this month but July is not long off…