PODLING show opening
There is a bit of coverage about my PODLING toy show opening last Thursday just here http://www.vinylpulse.com/2005/10/podling_show_pi.html#more
It was a really friendly evening with some great people including Miranda, Nick, Neil and Doug from Clutter, Matt (Lunartik) Jones, Wrd-One, the Tri-Clops trio, Jon Bergerman, Sichi (Hand on fire) in attendance. Playlounge’s small shop was crammed to bursting on this unusually hot October day, with customers having to fight their way through to purchase their Podlings. Much fooling was done anecdotes swapped and Podlings doodled on. After the show the crowd decanted to a nearby pub and continued to natter about all things toy and art related.
Show Pods are on the website now
It runs to the end of NOVEMBER…..