Unleash the GWINS

The Gwins have arrived..
The livingroom is currently covered in tiny penguins!

That’s right my first production art-toy has landed….

Doktor A Gwin toy October Toys

Nasty little fellow isnt he..
He is one of a range of different penguins in October Toy’s new release “GWINS” Based on the Linux logo, different artists from around the world have ‘re-mixed’ the basic figure in their own style.

Mine is called “Hard to swallow”.
You can buy him signed and dated from the BUY section of my website NOW.

Also there is a limited signed and numbered “EXTRA GORE” edition (like the one in the photo) which has been splattered with more of the red stuff… The boxes have been hit too.

Doktor A Gwin toy October Toys

So go on, get yourself a little bit of Doktor A toy history……



Doktor A Gwin toy October Toys