A day in Manchester

Went to Manchester today.
Top place indeed.

Richard Goodall Gallery :
Very nice place, lots and lots of Vinyl (Dunny, Lau, Biskup…MAn the Gohnner is huge, its like a Philip Stark stool……Ci Boys, Treki, and more) and prints ( Biskup, Joe Sorrens, Ray Ceaser….) Good space. needs me more time in there. Vinyl was a bit pricey though (Tiger Baby £70!!!!) I bought a couple of CI Boys Dark ages figures…

Magma :
Nice shop. Been in the London one which is always too packed to get at the books… Lots of nice stuff I could spend a packet in there. They had a Lapin toy I nearly got and the new Chris Cunningham DVD…Hmmm! Not so cheap though.

Arc :
Not too impressed. Not really what I would call a gallery space… left some poddy fliers in there though.

Afflecks Palace :
Just around the corner… This place is just what Kensington Market used to be like in London back in the day… Great sprawling network of shop units. There was loads of vinyl, Qees, Scary Girl, Kubricks, etc etc and they had loads of the TADO Nook art stuff (Very nice chaps!) All sorts of Sub culture stuff going on in a right jolly mix up…

Urbis :
Went to the Sex Pistols exhibition.. Ok I suppose. Very Pro McLaren which annoyed me… All the clothes He designed “with a bit of help from his girlfriend at the time” (*cough Vivianne Westwood *cough!) Best bit was the scribbled notes for Anarchy in the UK lyrics and the Feather Tie… I though it was funny that an exhibition on the Sex Pistols needed to have a disclaimer about the use of bad language….
Shop is pretty good… They had the “Antlors”…http://www.antlor.net/
In the Foyer were loads of huge canvases with grafitti artwork from different artists… There was a Jon Burgerman one I noticed and one by someone called “Cas” I think who desperatly wants to be Junko Mizuno and TADO to the point of plagiarism…..

A good day. Bought some very nice Irregular Choice boots and had some very nice munchies and Root Beer from the Selfridges basement foodery… Yummy indeed…